Maggie delievered 10 puppies yesterday (Thursday, May 16th). It was a smooth delivery and we ended the day with 5 boys and 5 girls! Everyone is doing great and we are so proud of sweet Maggie.
Our weekly videos will be posted by end of day every FRIDAY with our first video being next week (May 24th). We do not send weekly emails out so please make sure to check the blog frequestly...this is where we post all videos, pictures and information. Of course, you are more than welcome to email me if you have any questions :)
Now for the moment we have all been waiting's time to meet the puppies.
Below are the colored collars each puppy will wear until they go home (with one exception- Mr. Light blue will become Mr. Black as soon as our new collars arrive- the black collar was broken in the pack we received. I don't want there to be any confusion with a Dark Blue and Light Blue so he will upgrade to Mr. Black as soon as that arrives).
The girls are: Ms White, Ms. Green, Ms. Pink, Ms. Gray and Ms Purple
The boys are: Mr. Orange, Mr. Red, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue and Mr. Light Blue (who will soon be Mr. Black)

The Girls:

The boys:

Sweet Maggie (I love how she leans on me during the delivery process). There is no way to describe how amazing it is to be there when each of these puppies take their first breath. I'm so thankful Maggie trust me to be a part of it.
