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Puppy Schedule

Southland Goldens

Please make sure to read all the information listed below. Let me know if you have any questions...we are always happy to help!


Also please make sure to look over the New Puppy information in your puppy’s folder. This contains great advice how to make the transition from our home to your home easier on your new puppy. Remember this is a big deal for them so try to make it as calm as possible.


One of the most important things for potty training (in my opinion) is having your puppy on a schedule. Below is the schedule we like to have the puppies on. Of course, you do not have to stick to this plan...create one that works best for you.


Example Schedule

- Rise and shine at 6:30am and immediately go out to potty

- 7:00am feed - Immediately let out in the yard to potty & play (duration depends on weather/ temperature- they love outside time)

- Inside down time (chew toys/ puzzles)

- Outside potty break

- 10:30am- 12:00pm- Crate training/ nap (always follow crate time with an immediate trip to go potty)

-12:00pm feed -- Immediately let out in the yard to potty & play

- Inside down time (chew toys/ puzzles)

- 3:30pm- 5:00pm- Crate training/ nap followed by a trip out to go potty

- Feed at 5:00pm - Immediately let out into the yard to potty & play (duration depends on weather)

- This is a good time to take your puppy for a walk as they have had time to play and get a good bit of energy out. It will also help them sleep through the night ;)

- After this time we come in for what we call "calm" play for the rest of the night. This is where we let the puppies explore and choose for themselves if they want to get in the crate or if they want to go lay on the bed with a toy. We do not offer any food or toys with treats after dinner. This helps cut back on potty breaks during the night.


Your puppy is currently eating ½ cup at 7am; ½ cup at 12pm; ½ cup at 5pm


Remember when your puppy arrives, that this is all new to them. This is the first time they have been away from their siblings and us. Give them time to adjust and do not overwhelm them. If you have small children try to make this transition as calm as possible. Also, make sure your home is puppy proof. They are curious and are also it is VERY important to make sure they are in a safe area.


Potty training: The fun fun part of a new baby puppy :)

Patience is key. Remember they have to learn it is not okay to go potty inside your house...they have no clue where their designated "potty spot" is at their new home. Do not give them free roam of the house as this will confuse them. As they get bigger and have learned where their "potty spot" is you can expand the amount of room inside your home that they can freely go to. Use your crate...I promise this helps a ton for potty training. They do not want to go potty where they have to sleep. Set your divider where they have enough room to stand up, turn around and lay back down. Let them nap in their crate and let them sleep there during the night. Take them out of the crate and immediately to their "potty spot"...make sure to give them lots of praise when they go outside.

Rule of thumb is that a puppy can hold their potty for 1 hour per month of age. Make sure you don't ask them to hold it too much past that. At night they can typically make it an additional hour but you will need to set an alarm to take them out. We don't want to wait until they cry out as this teaches them if I cry someone will let me out. If you have any questions about this just let me know and I am happy to help. If you make a plan and stick to it you will have a potty-trained puppy in no time. At this point, you do not have to crate them ;)

Last but definitely not least is creating a well-behaved puppy. Always ask yourself- I know this behavior may be cute now but will it be cute when they are 50 + pounds?!? For example, if a cute little puppy jumps up on your leg and your initial response is to pet them or pick them up then you are rewarding that behavior and they do not understand why they are no longer allowed to do that when they are 12 months old. So, no jumping or chewing....make sure to correct these behaviors from the beginning.

If you have any questions at any time please do not hesitate to ask....we are here to help in any way possible.


Alyson Stuart

Southland Goldens



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